Leucadia Asset Management (“LAM”) is a diversified alternative asset management platform offering predominantly institutional clients an innovative range of investment strategies through its affiliated asset managers.
By The Numbers
Affiliated Boutiques 19*
Capital $21BN**
Assets $51BN***
*Leucadia Asset Management provides a central infrastructure and support hub for the diverse strategies on the platform, which includes strategic business development, operations, compliance and capital raising support.
**Includes equity and long term debt as of August 31, 2024.
***Represents Net Asset Value or Net Asset Value Equivalent as of November 30, 2024. The aggregate AUM of the LAM platform includes direct assets under management as well as AUM of certain asset management activities with Jefferies Financial Group and AUM of affiliated asset managers in which LAM has a revenue share or equity interest, and/or with which JEF has invested balance sheet capital.